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Banner image displaying the painting of the Ascension which hangs above the altar in Maria Lanakila Catholic Church.

Aloha! Bienvenidos! Welcome!

Aloha! Each Sunday, we are blessed to welcome hundreds of visitors from around the world. Together with our local families we gather to celebrate our salvation in Christ and to become one at the Eucharistic table of the Lord.

Whether near or far away, we are one ohana, one family in the Lord. We hope that in visiting our website you too will experience our love for God and one another.

Maria Lanakila is a diverse and vibrant community. Take some time to explore the many opportunities in our parish to enrich your spiritual life, gain new insights into faith, and to serve those in need.

Thank you for your interest in Maria Lanakila, and be assured of our prayers as God fulfills his purposes in and through you. Aloha!

Image link of two newlyweds' hands with rings and champagne flutes.

The painting Christ's Acsension that hangs above the altar in Maria Lanakila Church.